Composition of the Committee:

  1. Director : Chairman
  2. Dr. Amal Bawri, Botanist : Member
  3. Dr. Imlikumba, Medical Officer : Member
  4. Mr. Jirbom Rumi, Account Officer : Member
  5. Dr. Kenjum Bagra, Zoologist : Member Secretary

The Committee will;

  1. Act as an apex committee for internal research activities, and look after the R&D activities of the institute, like conduct of Workshop, Seminars, Training, Meetings, Research Publications and Publicity in broadcast and print media, etc. 
  2. Screen the research proposal received for the financial assistance from research fund of the Institute time to time.
  3. Coordinates research activities with other R&D institution and formulate MoA for research collaborations.
  4. Submit the reports of chapter of research activities for the institutional annual report.

2020 - 2021

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2019 - 2018

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2018 - 2019

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