- “Can Entomology be a food Source of Nutrition and Food Security”.
- “New Records of Edible Insects used as Traditional Food among the Adi Tribe in Arunachal Pradesh, India.
- ” Traditional Remedies for Diabetes used by Ao Naga Tribe in Mokokchung District Nagaland, India.”
- Inubo Rochill, Duman Talom, Imlikumba, Amal Bawri, Joynath Pegu, Robindra Teron (2024), Yayi Tomut Pongpi Olung Tapon: A Traditional practice of Bat Hunting.
- Parappagoudra, M., Sushma, B.M., Lalravi, S. & Imlikumba. (2022). The effect of Avapidaka Nasya and Pradhaman Nasya with Jeemootaka Phala in the Management of Kamala. International journal of Biology Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, 11(1), 411‐414.
- Parappagoudra, M., Priyadarshini, D., Lalravi, S., Imlikumba, Roy, K.B. & Thakker, N. (2021). A comparative study on Ruksha and Snigdha Virechana in the management of Amavata (rheumatoid arthritis). International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12(1), 183‐188.
- Chetia, J., Saikia, L. R., Upadhyaya, S., Khatiwora, E. & Bawri, A. (2021). Comparative Antimicrobial Study of Different Parts of Ocimum americanum L., O. basilicum L. and O. sanctum L. in comparison to standard antibiotics collected from Dibrugarh, Assam. Journal of Scientific Research, 13(1), 195-208.
- Baro, D., Bawri, A., & SK, B. (2020). Lectotypification of Beilschmiedia gammieana (Lauraceae). Rheedea, 30(2), 319-320.
- Imlikumba, P. Ringu, P. (2020). Traditional Healing: Reviving an Ancient Art. Geography and You, 20(3), 16-21.
- Lingu Inya, Imlikumba & Rumy C. Lingu. (2020). ‘Setting Up of Panchakarma Center in Modern Era’. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 09(05), pp. 22088-22090.
- Linguinya & Imlikumba. (2020). Madatyaya (Alcoholism): An Ayurvedic Perspective. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, 3(07).
- Parappagoudra, M., Lalravi, S., Imlikumba & Sreekan, V. (2020). ‘Physiotherapy in comparison to Vyayama and Swedana Karma: A Review. International Journal of Research and Ayurveda Pharmacy, 11(4),182-187.
- Baro, D., Bawri, A. & Borthakur, S. K. (2019). Tolypanthus maclurei (Merrill) Danser: An addition to flora of India, from Manas National Park, Assam. National Academy of Science Letter, 42(5), 437-439.
- Baro, D., Bawri, A. & Borthakur, S. K. (2019). Orchid flora of Manas National Park, India. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology, 8(2):143-148.
- Baro, D., Bawri, A. & Borthakur, S. K. (2019). Rediscovery of Crotalaria meeboldii (Fabaceae), a threatened species after more than a century. Rheedea. 29(4): 310-313.
- Bagra, K., Bulia, P., & Ringu, P. (2019). Indigenous tribal food amongst the Galos and the Idu mishmis of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Journal of Global Biosciences, 8(6), 6281-6289.
- Imlikumba, Parappagoudra, M, & Ringu, P. (2019). Indralupta (Alopecia areata) management by Pracchana and Cupping: A Success Story. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy,10(5),76-78.
- Imlikumba, & Ringu, P. (2019). Naga Mircha (Bhut Jolokia) Lepa as Shoolaprashamana (Pain Reliever) In Sandhigatavata –A Case Study. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, 7(5), 56-59.
B. Book Chapter:
- Bagra, K., Bawri, A., Imlikumba & Teron, R. 2021. Folk Medicine: A potential alternative healthcare system. In: Bawri et al. (eds.): Recent Advances in Folk Medicine Research in North East India. Pp. 1-7. North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat.
- Bawri, A. Baro, D., Bagra, K., Imlikumba & Teron, R. 2021. Diversity of medicinal plants traditionally used for respiratory disorders in North east India: A Review. In: Bawri et al. (eds.): Recent Advances in Folk Medicine Research in North East India. Pp. 45-215. North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat.
- Chetia, J. & Bawri, A. 2021. Diversity of hepatoprotective medicinal plants traditionally used in folk healing practices among the ethnic groups in North east India: A Review. In: Bawri et al. (eds.): Recent Advances in Folk Medicine Research in North East India. Pp. 348-415. North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat.
- Parappagoudra M, Imlikumba, Lal Ravi Sahu and A. Malang.2021. Review article on drug Makkaya Kshara. In: M. Parappagoudra et al. (eds.): Recent Advances in Folk Medicine Research in North East India. Pp. 723-731. North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat.
- Bawri, A. 2020. Ethno-Dermatological Practices of Plants species among the Tea Tribes of Upper Assam, NE India. In: S. Jinus et al. (eds.): Biodiversity and Crops Improvement in the Era of Climate Change. pp. 21-30. Publisher: Innovative Publication, New Delhi (India).
C. Book Edited:
- Imlikumba, Teron. R., Bagra, K., Bawri, A. & Loyi. H. 2021.Certified Traditional Healers of North Eastern India. North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat.
- Bawri, A., Baro, D., Bagra, K., Bawri, A., Imlikumba & Teron, R. 2021. Recent Advances in Folk Medicine Research in North East India. North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat. ISBN: 9788195504701.
D. Popular article:
- Imlikumba. (2021). Blood Letting in Ayurveda: A Unique Therapy. Morung Express 11/01/2021 4 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Panchakarma : Ayurveda detoxification Therapy. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 11/01/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Leech Therapy: It Does Wonders. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 20/01/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Agnikarma: An Ayurveda Pain Management Therapy. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 26/01/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Skin & Beauty Care by Ayurveda Naturally. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 03/02/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Switra (Vitiligo/ Leucoderma) Treatment by Ayurveda. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 12/02/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Allergy (Dooshivisha) Lifestyle Modifications and Care by Ayurveda. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 17/02/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Yuwanpidika (Pimples) Care by Ayurveda. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 28/02/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Ekakustha (Psoriasis) Care & Diet by Ayurveda. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 14/03/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus) Care & Diet by Ayurveda. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 20/03/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Piles, Fissure-in-Ano, Fistula-in-Ano Ayurveda identifying Approach. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 27/03/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Arshas (Piles/ Hemorroids): Care & Diet by Ayurveda. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 03/04/2021 8 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Ayurveda’s Answer to Parikartika (Fissure-in-Ano). THE SENTINEL ASSAM 21/04/2021 7 pp.
- Bawri, A. (2020). Traditional Healing practices and Medicinal plants in Arunachal Pradesh: An overview. AYUSH WATCH, May Issue II: 13-14 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2020). Migrain (Ardhavabhedaka) Silent Boam Blast in Head: Care by Ayurveda. Sunday Post 31/04/2020 3 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2020). Covid-19: Immune Boosting and Care through Ayurveda. EASTERN MIRROR 02/06/2020 4 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2020). AYUSH for Immunity: Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). THE MORUNG EXPRESS 11/09/2020 4 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2020). AYUSH Intervention in Poshan Maah. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 20/09/2020 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2020). Health Management is free Disease Management is costly. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 16/11/2020 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2020). Ritucharya: Seasonal Ayurvedic Lifestyle. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 21/11/2020 7 pp.
A. Journal Article:
- Chetia, J., Saikia, L. R., Upadhyaya, S., Khatiwora, E. & Bawri, A. (2021). Comparative Antimicrobial Study of Different Parts of Ocimum americanum L., O. basilicum L. and O. sanctum L. in comparison to standard antibiotics collected from Dibrugarh, Assam. Journal of Scientific Research, 13(1), 195-208.
- Baro, D., Bawri, A., & SK, B. (2020). Lectotypification of Beilschmiedia gammieana (Lauraceae). Rheedea, 30(2), 319-320.
- Imlikumba, P. Ringu, P. (2020). Traditional Healing: Reviving an Ancient Art. Geography and You, 20(3), 16-21.
- Lingu Inya, Imlikumba & Rumy C. Lingu. (2020). ‘Setting Up of Panchakarma Center in Modern Era’. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 09(05), pp. 22088-22090.
- Linguinya & Imlikumba. (2020). Madatyaya (Alcoholism): An Ayurvedic Perspective. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, 3(07).
- Parappagoudra, M., Lalravi, S., Imlikumba & Sreekan, V. (2020). ‘Physiotherapy in comparison to Vyayama and Swedana Karma: A Review. International Journal of Research and Ayurveda Pharmacy, 11(4),182-187.
- Parappagoudra, M., Priyadarshini, D., Lalravi, S., Imlikumba, Roy, K.B. & Thakker, N. (2021). A comparative study on Ruksha and Snigdha Virechana in the management of Amavata (rheumatoid arthritis). International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12(1), 183‐188.
- Parappagoudra, M., Sushma, B.M., Lalravi, S. & Imlikumba. (2022). The effect of Avapidaka Nasya and Pradhaman Nasya with Jeemootaka Phala in the Management of Kamala. International journal of Biology Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, 11(1), 411‐414.
- Baro, D., Bawri, A. & Borthakur, S. K. (2019). Tolypanthus maclurei (Merrill) Danser: An addition to flora of India, from Manas National Park, Assam. National Academy of Science Letter, 42(5), 437-439.
- Baro, D., Bawri, A. & Borthakur, S. K. (2019). Orchid flora of Manas National Park, India. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology, 8(2):143-148.
- Baro, D., Bawri, A. & Borthakur, S. K. (2019). Rediscovery of Crotalaria meeboldii (Fabaceae), a threatened species after more than a century. Rheedea. 29(4): 310-313.
- Bagra, K., Bulia, P., & Ringu, P. (2019). Indigenous tribal food amongst the Galos and the Idu mishmis of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Journal of Global Biosciences, 8(6), 6281-6289.
- Imlikumba, Parappagoudra, M, & Ringu, P. (2019). Indralupta (Alopecia areata) management by Pracchana and Cupping: A Success Story. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy,10(5),76-78.
- Imlikumba, & Ringu, P. (2019). Naga Mircha (Bhut Jolokia) Lepa as Shoolaprashamana (Pain Reliever) In Sandhigatavata –A Case Study. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, 7(5), 56-59.
B. Book Chapter:
- Bagra, K., Bawri, A., Imlikumba & Teron, R. 2021. Folk Medicine: A potential alternative healthcare system. In: Bawri et al. (eds.): Recent Advances in Folk Medicine Research in North East India. Pp. 1-7. North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat.
- Bawri, A. Baro, D., Bagra, K., Imlikumba & Teron, R. 2021. Diversity of medicinal plants traditionally used for respiratory disorders in North east India: A Review. In: Bawri et al. (eds.): Recent Advances in Folk Medicine Research in North East India. Pp. 45-215. North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat.
- Chetia, J. & Bawri, A. 2021. Diversity of hepatoprotective medicinal plants traditionally used in folk healing practices among the ethnic groups in North east India: A Review. In: Bawri et al. (eds.): Recent Advances in Folk Medicine Research in North East India. Pp. 348-415. North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat.
- Parappagoudra M, Imlikumba, Lal Ravi Sahu and A. Malang.2021. Review article on drug Makkaya Kshara. In: M. Parappagoudra et al. (eds.): Recent Advances in Folk Medicine Research in North East India. Pp. 723-731. North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat.
- Bawri, A. 2020. Ethno-Dermatological Practices of Plants species among the Tea Tribes of Upper Assam, NE India. In: S. Jinus et al. (eds.): Biodiversity and Crops Improvement in the Era of Climate Change. pp. 21-30. Publisher: Innovative Publication, New Delhi (India).
C. Book Edited:
- Imlikumba, Teron. R., Bagra, K., Bawri, A. & Loyi. H. 2021.Certified Traditional Healers of North Eastern India. North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat.
- Bawri, A., Baro, D., Bagra, K., Bawri, A., Imlikumba & Teron, R. 2021. Recent Advances in Folk Medicine Research in North East India. North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat. ISBN: 9788195504701.
D. Popular article:
- Bawri, A. (2020). Traditional Healing practices and Medicinal plants in Arunachal Pradesh: An overview. AYUSH WATCH, May Issue II: 13-14 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2020). Migrain (Ardhavabhedaka) Silent Boam Blast in Head: Care by Ayurveda. Sunday Post 31/04/2020 3 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2020). Covid-19: Immune Boosting and Care through Ayurveda. EASTERN MIRROR 02/06/2020 4 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2020). AYUSH for Immunity: Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). THE MORUNG EXPRESS 11/09/2020 4 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2020). AYUSH Intervention in Poshan Maah. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 20/09/2020 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2020). Health Management is free Disease Management is costly. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 16/11/2020 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2020). Ritucharya: Seasonal Ayurvedic Lifestyle. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 21/11/2020 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Blood Letting in Ayurveda: A Unique Therapy. Morung Express 11/01/2021 4 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Panchakarma : Ayurveda detoxification Therapy. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 11/01/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Leech Therapy: It Does Wonders. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 20/01/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Agnikarma: An Ayurveda Pain Management Therapy. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 26/01/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Skin & Beauty Care by Ayurveda Naturally. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 03/02/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Switra (Vitiligo/ Leucoderma) Treatment by Ayurveda. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 12/02/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Allergy (Dooshivisha) Lifestyle Modifications and Care by Ayurveda. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 17/02/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Yuwanpidika (Pimples) Care by Ayurveda. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 28/02/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Ekakustha (Psoriasis) Care & Diet by Ayurveda. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 14/03/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus) Care & Diet by Ayurveda. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 20/03/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Piles, Fissure-in-Ano, Fistula-in-Ano Ayurveda identifying Approach. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 27/03/2021 7 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Arshas (Piles/ Hemorroids): Care & Diet by Ayurveda. THE SENTINEL ASSAM 03/04/2021 8 pp.
- Imlikumba. (2021). Ayurveda’s Answer to Parikartika (Fissure-in-Ano). THE SENTINEL ASSAM 21/04/2021 7 pp.