Welcome to NEIAFMR

The North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Folk Medicine Research (NEIAFMR), Pasighat (Erstwhile North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine) is an autonomous National Institute under the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India. The Institute is located in the Pasighat, in East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh.
What's New
- Performa of Applying for the post of Professor (Kaya Chikitsa)
- Advertisement for the post of Professor (Kaya Chikitsa)
- Result of Interview Held on 23.12.2024 for the Post of Assistant Professor (Sanskrit)
- Result of Written Test for Various Post Held on 30.11.24 & 05.02.25
- Answer Key for Pharmacist & Panchakarma Therapist held on 05.02.2025
- Sylllabus for Pharmacist & Panchakarma Therapist to be held on 05/02/2025
- Result of the Interview for the post of Medical Officer (Advt. No. 01-2024)
- Result of Interview held on 23.12.2024 against Advertisement No. 01-2024 dated 19.09.2024 for the posts of Assistant Professor
- DPR for Additional Infrustructure for NEIAFMR, Pasighat
- Educational Notice for 1st Professional Students
- Final Admission Notice for 1st Professional BAMS 2024-25
- Final Admission Notice 2024-25
- Notice in respect of Written Exam for the Post of Pharmacist & Panchakarma Technician (ADVT. NO. 01/2024)
What's New
- Result of the Interview for the post of Medical Officer (Advt. No. 01-2024)
- Result of Interview held on 23.12.2024 against Advertisement No. 01-2024 dated 19.09.2024 for the posts of Assistant Professor
- DPR for Additional Infrustructure for NEIAFMR, Pasighat
- A beginners Guide to Edible Insects of Arunachal Pradesh
- Ethnozoological Research in North East India
- Recent Advances in Ayurveda & Drug Development
- Recent Advances in Folk Medicine Research in North East India
- Certified Traditional Healers of North Eastern India
- Notice: Inviting Quotation
- Notification of Governing Bodies
- Notification of Executive Council
- Notification of Finance Committee
- Cancellation of Advertisement
- Walk In Interview for Consultant.
- Walking Interview for JRF
- Result for Walkin Interview of Consultant
- Result for JRF
- Walk in Interview for Consultant in MoAyush at New Delhi
- Wak in Interview for Consultant
- Notice of Result for Walkin Interview
- Walkin Interview for the post of Consultant (IT)
- Walk-in Interview for the Post of Consultant at Ministry of Ayush, New Delhi
- Notice in Result of Walk in Interview held on 11.10.2022
- Notice for Result of Consultant at New Delhi
- Advertisements for various posts
- Notice Inviting Quotation
- Advertisement for Zoologist
- Walk-In Interview for SRF
- Result for Walk-in Interview for Senior Research Fellow
- Advertisement (CPMU under NHM)
- Walk In Interview for engagement of Consultant at Ministry of Ayush
- Result for Walk In Interview for Engagement of Consultant at Ministry of Ayush
- NIQ for Lab Items
- NIQ for Book Publications
- Detailed Advertisemnt for Traditional Healer
- Result of the Walk-in Interview of Traditional Healer (Female)
- NIQ for Painting of Wall
- Notice: Inviting Quotation
- NIQ for Wooden Collage Photo Frame.
- NIQ for Dhanwantari Statue
- NIQ for printing of Books.
- NIQ for lab items 2nd call
- NIQ for Glass jar sided
- Advertisement for various Post Adv Dated 30/09/2023
- Corrigendum for Advertisement Advertised on 30 September 2023
- Corrigendum for Advertisement - 30/09/2023
- Essay Competition on Millets on 27th October 2023
- Notice regarding extension of last date of receiving applications (Advt. No. 4_2023)
- NIQ for Name plate at Medicinal Plant Garden
- NIQ for Lord Dhanwantari Statue
- Walk In interview - Adv 05-2023
- Postponement of Interview to be held on 4th January 2023
- Rescheduled Notice for Walk-in Interview
- Result for Walk-in Interview. (Advt.-05/2023)
- Bye-Laws-MOA-of-NEIAFMR.pdf
- Recruitment Rules of NEIAFMR, Pasighat
- Establishment Date of NEIFM
- Society Registration of NEIAFMR
- Gazette Notification of NEIAFMR
- Directory of Employees
- NEIAFMR Sanction Strength
- Staff Data as on 29-02-2022
- Growth In Ayush (English)
- Growth In Ayush (Hindi)
- Vacancy circulars for different post at RAV at New Delhi
- Notice Inviting Quotation for changeover Switch
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Accountant and Assistant on Deputation basis in MDNIY
- Recruitment to the post of Director, North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy (NEIAH), Shillong
- NIQ for Fire Extinguishers
- Notice Inviting Quotations
- Boucher for One Day National Seminar on “Recent Advances and Developments in Local Health Tradition and Biodiversity Research: Challenges & Prospects (24th September, 2024)
- CORRIGENDUM Inviting quotation
- Detailed Advertisement for engagement on contractual Basis.
- संविदा के आधार पर नियुक्ति के संबंद मे.pdf
- Fees & Expenses for 1st Year BAMS Students at NEIAFMR, Pasighat
- Admission Form, All Students are to report to NEIAFMR Campus with all documents for Admission
- Format-for-Anti-ragging
- Format-for-Agreement-for-completion-of-BAMS-course.
- Format-for-Student-Bond
- Admission Notice
- Admission Brochure-NEIAFMR
- Notice for Interview Advertisement 01-2024
- Provisional List of Candidates for Admission into 1st Professional BAMS 2024-25
- Corrigendum for Admission in 1st Professional BAMS
- Notice on Postponement of Interview
- 2nd Merit List for Admission into 1st Professional BAMS
- Notice for Written Test Advt.-01/2024.
- Syllabus for Written Test Advt. No-01/2024
- Admission Notice North East Quota Round 3
- Answer Key for Contractual Recruitment conducted on 30.11.24
- Vacancy Circular 02-2024 Detailed Advertisement for the post of Project Consultant
- CORRIGENDUM to the Advt No.-02 of 2024
- Final Answer Key for Contractual Appointment conducted on 30/11/2024
- Interview Notice for Teaching post against Advt. No. 01/2024
- List of eligible candidates for the Post of Medical Officer Advt. No.-01-2024
- Notice-for-written-test-and-Interview-for-the-post-of-Medical-Officer.
- Interview Notice for the Post of Medical Officer (Advt No. 01/2024)
- General Instruction for Screening Exam for the Post of Medical officer (Advt. No. 01/2024)
- Detailed-Instructions-for-Written-Test-Interview-for-the-post-of-Medical-Officer.
- Shortlisted Candidates
- Answer-Key-24.12.2024

Dr. Robindra Teron, PhD
Telephone: 0368-2225243/2225650
Fax: 0368-2222181
Email: neifmpasighat@gmail.com
Message from the Director
Folk medicine is the mixture of traditional healing practices and beliefs that involve herbal medicine, spirituality and manual therapies or exercises in order to diagnose, treat or prevent any ailment or illness. According to World Health Organization (WHO, 2008), it is mostly practiced by indigenous or native populations and as much as 80% of the population in certain countries within Asia and Africa rely on it for primary care. In India, the history of folk medicine can be traced to the Vedic era. The primary idea and procedures of Ayurvedic healing practices were polished over the centuries. Since time immemorial, knowledge of traditional healing and medicine were composed in many epic in Sanskrit Caraka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtangahridayam and Ashtangasamgraha, etc. are some of the earliest available works. These works are foundations for the Ayurvedic practitioners, as they describe therapeutic methods in a systematic manner. Indian folk medicinal stream is rich and diverse. It may not be popular, organized and codified like other systems of medicine, but folk medicine is a repository of raw knowledge from the experiences of local healers and is prevalent in tribal and rural areas of India.
The documentation and preservation of traditional healing knowledge are of utmost essential for the protection of invaluable heritage and cultural diversity. Folk medicine consisting of healing practices and knowledge is an important knowledge system, as it helps different ethnic communities to live healthier life naturally. Protection and preservation of local Health traditions is a global approach, which is already addressed by different global bodies. The Ministry of Ayush, Government of India is also addressing this aspect by establishing, NEIAFMR, which is mandated to act as an apex research institute in all aspects of Folk Medicine and provide teaching courses on Ayurveda among the people of this region. It is very high time to document such precious knowledge and validate scientifically, so that many unanswered health problems can be addressed through this aspect. It is the responsibility of scientists, researchers, to investigate this thrust area. With the constant support of the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India and research collaboration with different institutes, stakeholders, etc., we can achieve the target of this institute and can transform its potential as a national asset.